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    Re: Ex filed false police report

    Posted by D on 8/03/08

    I'd have to say that you are boned my friend. You are a
    man, right? She's a woman? Have you opened your front door
    and taken a whiff of the political climate? She can quite
    literally get away with murder and pin it on you if she so
    chooses. I've been through a situation similar to yours,
    but far more destructive and am barely alive at this point,
    so I feel for you, I really do. I think the only thing you
    can really do that will be of any benefit is to join up with
    a men's rights group and help to change the political
    climate that allows things like this to happen. Best
    regards, and best of luck!!

    On 7/24/08, Jon wrote:
    > My ex and I just finalized paternity/custody/child support
    > court case. I had to file on her. Our son is now 8 mo.
    > shared legal with her having primary residency. I get EOW
    > and wednesdays and 3 weeks summer (up to 2 weeks
    > consecutive). The order was signed June 20, 2008. We split
    > up almost a year ago, but she keeps telling me she wants to
    > come back. She says that everytime there is a court date
    > coming up. This time it was right after I requesting my
    > summer parenting time. Now during an exchange of our son
    > wanted to talk about coming back. She had told me her
    > parents were kicking out and she wanted to come back. I
    > her she could rent my spare room. So she came over and she
    > started getting irrational when she found out my father had
    > purchased a small parakeet for our son. So I told her that
    > she would have to let me know at that point if she wanted
    > come back. Then she told me she wanted to try to get her
    > place and I told her I wasn't going to wait. So she decided
    > to leave. I walked her to the car some words were exchanged
    > and she got very irate. She tried to put our son in his
    > carseat but dropped him on the back seat. I picked him up
    > and held him. She wanted him back and I told her not until
    > she calmed down. She then calmed down and I gave our son
    > back to her and she put him in the car. She then got in the
    > driver seat and I shut her door (I always do this) and she
    > pulled away so fast and wreckless she almost ran me over.
    > she went to the police station and filed a report (now I
    > have a warrant out for my arrest and I intend to surrender
    > w/my atty) and then filed for an ex parte pp and she filed
    > pp for my parents. She states that I am stalking her, my
    > parents are stalking her. The judge denied the ex parte and
    > wants to see us all in court. Now she has given the judge
    > email that my mom had sent her but she had altered it. She
    > had told the judge that my mother had pushed her while she
    > was pregnant when she moved out (the police were present).
    > My explanation of the events are not the same as her and
    > obviously there were no witnesses. I had called the police
    > later that evening and had asked them what I needed to do
    > because her father had threatened my life because my ex
    > claims I punched the car. The police then said they had a
    > 911 call on record. Not sure if it was while my ex and I
    > were arguing or when I was arguing with her father. So at
    > this point I am not sure what to do. Any advice would help.
    > Thank you

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Ex filed false police report, 7/24/08, by Jon.
  • Re: Ex filed false police report, 8/03/08, by D.
  • Re: Ex filed false police report, 8/08/08, by ......
  • Re: Ex filed false police report, 8/15/08, by Jon.
  • Re: Ex filed false police report, 8/16/08, by ........

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