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    Post: CPS and your rights as a PARENT

    Posted by Jennifer on 8/01/08

    I am going through a divorce, and have 3 children at home.
    It was a sudden thing, which left our whole family
    devastated. My 10 year old child was having a very hard
    time, and confided in the school principal. I was never
    aware of their discussions. The school principal called
    CPS on me, and it has been 4 months, and I still keep
    playing phone tag with the CPS worker regarding my child.
    The school principal never notified me of any problems, or
    concerns regarding my child; however called the other
    parent before hand and let them know of all the concerns.
    My question of the day is, legally, as the managing
    conservator parent, should the school have notified me? Is
    there anything legally I can do regarding this situation.

    Obviously, if my child was in eminent threat, then why has
    it taken 4 months for the CPS worker to try to resolve-
    which is still not resolved. I have left several messages
    for her, she then sent me a certified letter stating that
    she can't get a hold of me, and I have not made an attempt
    to contact her. Not only that, she called my work. Which,
    I just started my work, and do not appreciate my personal
    business being the talk of the workplace. The next question
    is regarding my rights as a parent and the CPS worker.
    What steps do I need to take legally to resolve this

    And... FYI, my soon to be ex-husband's girlfriend's sister
    (tongue twister)works at the school as a teacher. I dont
    know but something doesn't smell right, however, I am
    extremely upset that the school never once came to me
    regarding my child, as this last few months has been
    difficult on my child, and yes I might have failed to
    see "signs" of crying out for attention, but the school
    should be held accountable for their actions. Who is to
    say that they don't do this to the next parent that comes
    along trying to get back on their feet, after a
    separation??? Regardless, it's what is in the best interest
    of the child. I am not against CPS and what they do or
    stand for, but for me, where is the line drawn with
    parental rights?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • CPS and your rights as a PARENT, 8/01/08, by Jennifer.

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