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    Re: Child support or not?

    Posted by sharwinston on 9/10/08

    The tick's opinion of the matters only to the tick.

    On 9/10/08, Wendy wrote:
    > by much. I did not ask for an opinion but I got it anyway because
    > of my relationship to the question. I never indicated you wasted
    > your time but I do feel you need to know what was advised legally
    > about the situation so maybe you can help someone else in the
    > future. There are always different answers to one question. I
    > really don't understand why you take things so personal here.
    > Really, you could of saved your time with the sarcasm and meaness
    > and focussed on helping people. After all it doesn't take talent
    > to be mean although it may in your utopia.
    > On 9/09/08, sharwinston wrote:
    >> Your husband and you have an attorney and you want a quick
    >> answer to an important legal question from a stranger on some
    >> chatboard and then bitch about the free help you get & argue
    >> about it to boot... well, why didn't you just say so from the
    >> get-go that you were opinion shopping & I wouldn't have wasted
    >> my time because you are obviously from the Land of "I want only
    >> the opinions of those with whom I can agree." I've never been
    >> there, but I hear it's a real fantasy.
    >> On 9/09/08, Wendy wrote:
    >>> I never implied that it was just me that was going to do
    >>> something. I used the term "we". I may not have full say in
    >>> front of the judge but as me and my husband have a mutual
    >>> understanding that what ever decisions we make effects the
    >>> entire family unit. Everything we say or do means very much.
    >>> Ironically I was asked last time in court by the judge if he
    >>> granted my husband full custody if it would strain our newly
    >>> wed relationship to much. I guess I do have somewhat of a
    >>> standing. Also, as implied in the question WE do have an
    >>> attorney but I thought (silly me) I could jot a quick question
    >>> on this board and get an unbias and helpful answer while
    >>> waiting his call back.
    >>> As odd as it may seem, it will only take one letter to halt
    >>> the child support obligation. This information came from the
    >>> judges clerk, attorney, and CSR. They would assume by the
    >>> submission of a letter that both parties have consented and
    >>> agreed on the change of obligation. That one letter (not a
    >>> million)is enough.
    >>> This is the second time that I have asked a legal question and
    >>> it has been responded to in a negative manner due to being the
    >>> step parent. The last question was never commented on except
    >>> to ask how I pertained to the situation then it never went any
    >>> further. It is not just my husband going through this it is
    >>> all of us. It would be nice to ask a question and get a
    >>> response that is in some respect professional and
    >>> unopinionated based upon the relationship of the person asking
    >>> it.
    >>> Thanks
    >>> On 9/07/08, sharwinston wrote:
    >>>> I suggest your husband get an attorney becaue YOU have no
    >>>> standing and, thereofre, no say so in this matter. Nothing
    >>>> you say or do means anything.
    >>>> He can write 1 million letters -- they mean nothing. The
    >>>> parent or parents must get the court order modified. Until
    >>>> then, the court's order remaissn in full force and effect --
    >>>> no matter where the child lives.
    >>>> So, he can write all the letters he wants -- but it does
    >>>> nothing to change the court order. Only a court order can
    >>>> change a previous court order.
    >>>> On 9/02/08, Wendy wrote:
    >>>>> Short version: Husband has custody of son (15). Son wants
    >>>>> to live with bio mom. Creates a tornado by stating to
    >>>>> commit suicide if he doesn't live with mom. Turned over to
    >>>>> hospital. Hospital states for liabilty reasons to have son
    >>>>> live with a third party while taking med. and counseling
    >>>>> to try to solve problem. Son stays with grandmother for 2
    >>>>> days and moves in with bio mom against custodial fathers
    >>>>> wishes/knowledge and court order. Law enforcement refuses
    >>>>> to get involved to get son so now after 6 months of going
    >>>>> through the court system and son staying at bio moms house
    >>>>> she wants exhusband to write a letter to child support
    >>>>> explaining the son lives with her so she doesnt have to
    >>>>> pay support. Her attorney dropped her our attorney has not
    >>>>> called us back yet. It is court ordered for her to pay
    >>>>> support. She is in arrears of course over 10 grand. She
    >>>>> currently is ordered to pay on both children. The child
    >>>>> was never to go to her home it was not ordered or agreed
    >>>>> upon. He was to stay at grandmothers home. Where does he
    >>>>> stand legally. If he writes the letter she will inturn
    >>>>> take it to the school and alienate bio dad of information.
    >>>>> Oh yes, she also has a child support warrant on her. What
    >>>>> would you suggest we do?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Child support or not?, 9/02/08, by Wendy.
  • Re: Child support or not?, 9/07/08, by sharwinston.
  • Re: Child support or not?, 9/09/08, by Wendy.
  • Re: Child support or not?, 9/09/08, by sharwinston.
  • Re: Child support or not?, 9/10/08, by Wendy.
  • Re: Child support or not?, 9/10/08, by sharwinston.
  • Re: Child support or not?, 9/11/08, by Wendy.
  • Re: Child support or not?, 9/11/08, by sharwinston.

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