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    Post: X at it again

    Posted by Jon on 10/02/08

    Ok....I had posted before about my X filing a PPO and she
    got it. Basically can't go to her house and can't assault
    her. Well no big deal (my lawyer says) that is what my bond
    is about. She is pressing legal charges. Anyway, things have
    been going great until last night. Not sure what to do....I
    was dropping off our son and she was upset because I am
    taking her to court because she refusing to pay me for the
    DNA test (back from Feb). So now that she got served all of
    a sudden she wants to pay me. I told her to include the cost
    of filing and it will be fine. Well she got very upset and I
    told her I would see her in court. She left the police
    station (that is where we have the exchange). As I was
    leaving (had two other people in the car) I saw someone else
    walking with my son in his arms and the mother walking next
    to them, so I stopped and asked who he was (exact
    working...who are you and why are you holding my son?) this
    man said nothing. So I asked again. He then gave my son to
    his mother and she said "Bill just wait" and then next thing
    I know he charges at me and so to protect myself I fought
    back. After a few punches I got up and left. "Bill" yelled
    to my X call 911. I went home to see my parents because I
    was having alot of pain in my chest where he hit me. My
    father told me to go to the hospital and I did. I then went
    home because the hospital gave me something for pain and I
    just wanted to sleep. So now I just sit here and wonder if I
    am going to get a letter in the mail (still have a bond and
    court proceedings for 2 weeks in regards to another false
    accusation of assault and battery against my X)to turn
    myself in. So what do I do now? Any advice from those
    fathers who just want their X to leave them alone and let
    them parent their children?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • X at it again, 10/02/08, by Jon.
  • Re: X at it again, 10/02/08, by sharwinston.
  • Re: X at it again, 10/03/08, by Jon.

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