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    Post: Clarification

    Posted by Pamela on 1/20/09

    We live in Tennessee and my daughter is 16 years old and 6
    months pregnant. I was told recently that I may not want
    to add the father's name to the birth certificate so that
    my daughter will not be tied down to anything the father
    says regarding the child. The boyfriend has proven to be
    very controlling, even pushing my daugther into getting
    pregnant thinking I would allow them to get married so I
    wouldn't have control over her life. Yes, she's
    responsible, too, I'm not stupid.

    She will be continuing with her dream of becoming a
    surgeon and I don't want the father to have any say-so
    over where she studies and eventually takes a job. I
    understand that we will be giving up court ordered child
    support, but one outweighs the other.

    How do we do this? Do we just not have him sign the birth
    certificate or ask the hospital to not present it to
    him/us? If he's added, does he have to be proven an unfit
    father in court to have him removed later?

    Thank you.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Clarification, 1/20/09, by Pamela.
  • Re: Clarification, 1/20/09, by sharwinston.
  • Re: Clarification, 1/21/09, by Pamela.

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