Post: a mother's visitation rights
Posted by angela on 3/25/09
Ok this is my problem my ex-husband is refusing to let me talk to or see our sononly because i do not have a job at this point. I have been look hard for work but have not been able to find any but i am going to school so i can give my son and i a better life. In the beginning before he meet his new girlfriend he had no problem in letting me see or talk to my son but now all since bout 2 weeks after Christmas "09" he stop answering his phone it is now March "09" and have yet to talk to him. In all honesty me and my son have a beautiful relationship and when he does need anything or ask me for annything i make it a point to get whatever he ask for or needs, i have never let my son down in anyway and will never. I am a good mother to him whenever my ex was having problems with him as far as school or anything he would call me to talk to him and after i did he would have no more problems. This is really killing me not to be able to even talk to my son, he is six years old and will be seven soon this is the longest we (my son and I) have not talked orr seen each other and i am at my wits end. I miss my son dearly and i know he misses me. What should or can i do? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- a mother's visitation rights, 3/25/09, by angela.