Post: unwed mother moved from california for saftey

Posted by Lani on 3/31/09
Hello, I'm five month pregnant and moved across the country
to get away from my violent ex. I moved from California when
I was three month pregnant because he threaten to kill me.
He has a history of drug use and violent. He cannot maintain
a job for more then three months.
During my time in California he would contact my work to get
me fired and threaten me via text messages and leave voice
mails, in addition he would harass my friends and family by
phone and text. I do have a police report about him
harassing me. As of today he continue to harass me and make
threats that he is going to take my baby from me because he
has a picture of me taking a shot (The picture was taken
before I even knew I was pregnant) and he is going to call cps.
He has put me through so much stress and anxiety dealing
with him and his threats and harassing me to the point I had
to go to the hospital. What rights do I have to have custody
of my unborn child? We were never married.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- unwed mother moved from california for saftey , 3/31/09, by Lani.
- Re: unwed mother moved from california for saftey , 3/31/09, by sharwinston.