Post: Child support and welfare in PA
Posted by Mrs.P on 5/17/09
Defendant has been ordered to pay child support, found in contempt quite a few times for failure to pay and even spent 6 months in jail for it. Now they are filing for a modification because they are on welfare. My question is, do they still require someone on welfare (cash assistance) to pay their child support obligation? Thanks!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Child support and welfare in PA, 5/17/09, by Mrs.P.
- Re: Child support and welfare in PA, 5/23/09, by sharwinston.
- Re: Child support and welfare in PA, 6/01/09, by Mrs. P.
- Re: Child support and welfare in PA, 6/06/09, by sharwinston.
- Re: Child support and welfare in PA, 6/08/09, by biomom.
- Re: Child support and welfare in PA, 6/08/09, by biomom.