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    Post: Rights of the second family

    Posted by Jess on 8/13/09

    My Fiance and i have been wanting to get married for a long
    time; we have two young children together but he has three
    children from his previous marriage which he owes support
    for ( due to the situation he doesn't feel he owes this,
    wife cheated on him and he lost everything he had) i know
    the court, doesn't care but it's a shame that good people
    become 'bad people' because of the law and dishonest/greedy
    ex-wifes. Who work and have help from their new partners
    don't need the money as much as the law makes it sound,
    then half the time the money doesn't go to the children.

    Anyways, most of all my fiance doesn't have health
    insurance and has a lot of problems directly related to the
    divorce - bad habits, poor health, mental issues. If we
    were to get married, I provide support for the whole house.
    Can she take my money, which isn't enough for us already (
    i have recently had to claim chapter 7).

    The other problem is he only has a high school ed, has
    always been self employed and we can't afford day care. My
    schedule is 12hr nights and irregular to work around.

    Sorry this is a mess but so are, are lives right now; he
    would rather die (for real) then have her get anything.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Rights of the second family, 8/13/09, by Jess.
  • Re: Rights of the second family, 8/13/09, by sharwinston.

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