Post: CPS/DCS Rules in Indiana

Posted by Debie on 8/18/09
I had CPS knocking at my door they had a report called in on me...I let her in and she took pictures and asked my son and me three questions she found nothing another false report, But before she left she said she needs to come back out and talk to my husband and the two girls that were not at home at the time. Now about 3 years ago this happened and who ever was here was ok no one else needed to be talked to. This time there is a concern for the two girls so I see this. But when we set up a time and day for her to come back out she never showed up ( $160.00 lost from work) and now we are trying to set up another time and day. Here are my questions.... 1. Is it their policy to talk to everyone in the home in person now? 2. Why are they concerned about the girls 7 & 5 and not the boy 12 who are all three seeing this person. 3. Is there a time frame for doing an investagation? 4. How is it that CPS can say who you can or can not let your kids see? Thank you Deb.
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- CPS/DCS Rules in Indiana, 8/18/09, by Debie.