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    Post: Children and Youth of Pennsylvania Practices

    Posted by John Futchko on 11/24/09

    I have an odd situation that I cannot make heads or tails of
    and need some advice. Recently I found out that my younger
    brother has accused me of sexually abusing him when he was
    younger (over ten years ago). It was reported to PA's
    Children and Youth division where they conducted an
    "investigation" into the matter. They found sufficient
    evidence to base the complaint as "founded" but haven't
    found enough evidence to pursue criminal charges against me.
    The investigation they did only consisted of talking with my
    brother and my parents, with no effort to talk to or
    question me about any of it. Since then they have issued an
    order of protection against me on behalf of my brother and
    sister who at the time were minors. Acording to Children and
    youth I am not allowed to reside anywhere in the united
    states with a minor child or have any contact with minors.
    It stated that if Children and Youth ever found out about
    any incidents of said restriction they will pursue criminal
    charges and make me register as a sex offender. They also
    recommended that I recieve counseling for the matter and
    check myself into some sort of program also. I also recently
    found out that a court order compels my parents to not allow
    me to reside in their house while my brother is under the
    age of 18 or they will lose their parental rights to him.
    The odd thing is my brother is in the custody of the state
    and has been for the last 4 years or so. How can the PA
    court system do this without any kind of trial or official
    inquiry? Also is there any chance of fighting the court's
    ruling and/or seeking damages from the state of pennsylvania
    and their Children and Youth Division?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Children and Youth of Pennsylvania Practices, 11/24/09, by John Futchko.
  • Re: Children and Youth of Pennsylvania Practices, 8/17/10, by Diana Smitj.

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