Posted by j on 12/05/09
I would just like to say that workers in the area are allowed to fabricate reports and face absolutely no consequences. I have spoken with a supervisor with regard to this, and she informed me, that as long as the judge accepts the reports into evidence, there is nothing that can be done. So, what that means in my case is that, a social worker can state that I left a suicide letter for my children, and when there is none, she can lie and court, and neither her supervisor or the judge will do a thing about it. I have news for them. Read that little book they gave you at orientation called the New Jersey Administrative Code. It talks about people that commit fraud by lying on government documents. Let's not even talk about what is supposed to happen to those that lie under oath in court. You all make New Jersey look really bad. I'm tired of hearing about how over worked they are. It's bull*#^%! If they didn't make up reports they would have 10 times the work to do. Ever hear that saying when you tell one lie it leads to another?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- UNION COUNTY DYFS OFFICE, 12/05/09, by j.
- Re: UNION COUNTY DYFS OFFICE, 12/05/09, by j.