Post: Out of state custody

Posted by jen on 12/18/09
I am a single mother to a 17 month old. His father and I were never married. I live in California, father lives in Utah (we had a long distance relationship). Our relationship ended during my pregnancy. We talk almost every day (re: child) but visits our son two days at a time once every 2-3 months. He wealthy and can visit as often as he wants, but doesn't come often, therefore currently they have no bond or established relationship. I want him to be in my son's life and in an effort to do so I've taken my son to Utah twice so far to visit his father. He is starting to say that I don't take his son to see him often enough (which is difficult to do at his age) and because of this, I am keeping his son away from him. I tell him he can visit anytime he wants. If he takes me to court to get custody, what kind of custody arrangement is likely for out of state parents? Would they take into consideration that he's been absent for most of his life or will they just start making the baby go to utah with people he is not familiar with?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Out of state custody , 12/18/09, by jen.
- Re: Out of state custody , 12/18/09, by sharwinston.