Re: Does Abuse Nulify a prenutptual agreement?
Posted by sharwinston on 2/20/10
If your husband beats you, for God's sake, woman, you don't
need a chatboard -- Call the police & report him & get a
restraining order against him & get him out of the house --
or you get out before he follows through with his threats!
Nobody here knows whether or not "abuse" nullifies your pre-
nup because no one here has read your pre-nup agreement. A
pre-nup is a contract. Contact the lawyer who wrote it.
If you wrote it yourself, well, then, contact a lawyer & see
if s/he can help you with your contractual mess.
On 2/18/10, NCSmith wrote:
> I have been married to my husband for 4 years. Before we
> were married we put together a prenuptual agreement that
> would make it nearly impossible to get a divorce.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Does Abuse Nulify a prenutptual agreement?, 2/18/10, by NCSmith.
- Re: Does Abuse Nulify a prenutptual agreement?, 2/20/10, by sharwinston.