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    Post: Can MIL prevent us from leaving state by getting visitation?

    Posted by Danielle on 7/30/10

    State of Law: Pennsylvania

    My fiance and I (we're not married yet) have two children
    together. We moved from California to Pennsylvania because
    my fiance's mother offered to give us a house. When we
    arrived here, it turned out that she didn't want to give us
    the house, but instead decided to 'rent' it to us. First
    they tried to get us to sign a renters agreement and we
    refused (we came on the context that there were no strings
    attached). They sent us an email recently that had a 'legal
    tone' to it, and we didn't respond. We now want to move out
    of the house and live elsewhere in PA - and have nothing to
    do with the grandparents. We're fit, we're supporting
    ourselves with jobs, children are taken care of, and they
    did not have full custody at any point. Sometimes the
    oldest has sleepovers at their house.

    If we don't comply with them, they might be worried that
    we'll return to California (where all of our families are).
    Could they try to sue for custody, partial custody, or
    visitation - to prevent us from moving and keep us stuck in

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Can MIL prevent us from leaving state by getting visitation?, 7/30/10, by Danielle.
  • Re: Can MIL prevent us from leaving state by getting visitat, 7/31/10, by sharwinston.

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