Post: Subpoena vs Childs Sake
Posted by eele on 3/01/11
In a criminal case where as a minor was sexually abused by the biological father, a prosecutor was assigned, within less than 3 months before trial wants to talk to the child and mother to cooperate with what will happen within the trial. Child been through all procedure as assigned by counselor, CPS and did well. Child understands that going to court before her father has to tell THE story where the child is very very uncomfortable and not willing to go through. Prosecutor was informed of the child’s feelings, and then both mother and child were served subpoena ad testificandum. The child knows how the child feels, is there a respect for that vs a subpoena? As a mother myself, my concerns are major in this particular case for the child’s welfare and I would do anything to protect my child from being in that court room. Is there a law that would override that subpoena in regards of the child’s sake? Are there rights for the mother to protect the child from having this to happen vs a subpoena? The prosecutor focus, is to win the case of course, can use the evidence whatever it is/are but what about the aftermath of being in that court room for the child if it so happens, then WHAT? More counseling’s! Why put the child through all that when it can be avoided? What and how will this child’s future be like when at adult? Subpoena vs Childs Sake
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Subpoena vs Childs Sake, 3/01/11, by eele.