Post: single mom in CA

Posted by anonymous on 11/09/11
The father of my child & I live in different states. I got
pregnant while living together, but left him for numerous
reasons soon after finding out & went back home to be with
family in my time of need. We are very open in
communicating about our child and he came for the birth and
signed the declaration of paternity as well as the birth
Before pregnancy, I had expressed desires to move back to
another state for several reasons including the educational
standards for the best options for my child(ren). I kept an
open conversation on the topic and still currently do,
however now he is unwilling to agree anymore. He insists I
move back with him and is looking for a lawyer now.
We haven't gone through court for custody, but I am not
trying to keep him from his child. I have always told him
that he may visit as often as he'd like or if he provides
the airfare, we can come out there until our child is old
enough to visit on his own. That would not change no matter
where I'd be.
I want to move because I'd be more financially stable there
and the educational system is better. The move has been
carefully thought out for my children's best interest as
well as my own. The father is unemployed and although he
does help out when he can with diapers & assorted needs, he
can't provide anything on a regular basis so it is vital
for me to get on my feet and I cannot do that here.
My question is what rights does a single mother have to
move to another state (when the father is already in a
completely different state) when nothing has been
established in court yet? Do I need to get a lawyer too?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- single mom in CA, 11/09/11, by anonymous.