Post: my mother filed to adopt

Posted by tabitha on 7/30/12
hello... and HELP!!! so last may i was pulled over and the cops found drug in my car.. i caught a case of transporting a controlled substance.. i was in jAIL for 15days during which time my parents filed a temp 30day guardianship of my 18month old baby... ok fine right? NO! the day i got released from jail and called home to them i was told by my step-father that i no longer lived there and if i come onto the property they will have me arrested for trespassing!! that threw me on the street with only the clothes on my back. i was later told by my probation officer that i am NOT to make ANY contact with my parents or other family members, because they are called and made a complaint. i have now seen in the news paper the notice they filed for termanation of parental rights for adoption... my question is WHAT DO I DO ABOUT THIS?? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME COURT IS IN 6DAYS!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- my mother filed to adopt, 7/30/12, by tabitha.