Post: Child Support from a disabled father!

Posted by GGGGVVVV on 8/17/12
I have two children I have been taking care of by myself for years. Thier father owes them real close to $50,000.00 because he never paid child support before he got on his supplemental dissability. DO I THINK A SINGLE MOTHER TRYING TO PURSUE A DISSABLED FATHER IS WRONG! Heck no. He never paid before and this is not spiteful. It makes your kids life easier when they get child support. Something needs to be done about this because if this continues all no child support because they are on dissability all your going to have it a bunch of children hating thier fathers for doing nothing for them and having them watch thier mother work her whole life to give them the world.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Child Support from a disabled father!, 8/17/12, by GGGGVVVV.