Post: Ending Child Support in Texas

Posted by Glori on 10/11/12
My husband pays child support toa daughter who turned 18 in August 2011, and graduated high school in November 2011. We contacted the child support office to find out when support would end and were told we had to get a copy of her diploma. 5 months later finally got a copy from the mother, but it didnt have a graduation date on it, so now we are trying to get a copy from the school, but since the child is 19 now she has to give permission for them to let us have a copy for the child support office. Neither the mother or the daughter will call to authorize because they do not want the money to end. Child support office told us they will not review case without this. What do we do? Any help or ideas?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Ending Child Support in Texas, 10/11/12, by Glori.