Post: my ex boyfriend is threatening to take our kids from me

Posted by Ami on 8/14/16
my ex boyfriend and I have 2 kids, daughter is 8 1/2 and son is 5. I have always been the primary caregiver, even when we loved together. he cheated on me and kicked me and our daughter and my other daughter from different bf out of our home when i was 6 months pregnant! the kids have always lived with me. all of the sudden he threatened to take them from me, he said i am unfit and a poor role model. because i have clinical depression. i was diagnosed at 17, i am now 40! i do not nor have i ever abused my medication and i see my Dr regularly! i have NEVER neglected or abused my kids in ANY way! they go to school from my address, go to the same sitter for 3 yrs in my area, i enroll them in school and attend ALL school activity. he has NEVER even come to parent/teacher meetings. I take them to the Dr for yearly checks and when they are ill, he has NEVER come. i take them to dental checks every 6 months and when needed. he has NEVER come. i make sure he has all dates , times and addresses and leave it up to him to show or not. both my kids play soccer, i take to practice and games, daughter in girl scouts I take her to meetings. i bath them, feed them, clothe them, read them books, taught them to tie their shoes! they are both very smart and are doing great in school! they have a close relationship with their grandparents (my parents) and they see their older sister and nephew almost every day! there is NO legal established paternity, his name is on the birth certificates. he has no reason to take my kids away! i have never denied him seeing the kids. when they ask to call him, i let them! my question is, can he really take them away and get sole custody!!!????
Posts on this thread, including this one
- my ex boyfriend is threatening to take our kids from me, 8/14/16, by Ami.