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    Posted by Anita Guyadin, J.D. on 6/12/19

    Family violence still occurs nowadays and it could be
    related to family law. Family law encompasses issues and
    disputes occurring within a family setting. Subjects
    subsumed under family law include divorce, separation,
    family justice services, child custody, and access, spousal
    support, child support, equalization of family property,
    the matrimonial home, enforcement of support payments,
    child protections and adoptions. [1] The family law court
    is competent to make orders regarding these matters.
    However, in some circumstances, actions surrounding these
    subject areas overlap with offences under the Criminal
    Code. [2] For example, criminal charges apply for
    withholding access to the matrimonial home, stalking,
    assault and sexual assault. [3] There is no doubt that
    criminal charges should be available to protect some
    families, but the Criminal Law has been both a blessing and
    a curse for Family Law matters.

    The Benefits A clear benefit of the Criminal Justice System
    is that a victim has the benefit of state resources to
    prosecute the offending party.“Beware Family Court: What
    Victim’s an Advocates Should know” [4]. As an aside, I
    acknowledge the complexities involved in labeling a
    particular party as a victim, but for ease of reference,
    the term victim will be used to refer to someone on the
    receiving end of criminal or oppressive circumstances. In a
    family court, a victim must face the offending party on
    equal footing.[5] In sharp contrast to the criminal law
    setting, an offending party can also hurl counterclaims
    against the victim in family court that the victim must
    defend against. [6] Furthermore, victims of crimes under
    the Criminal Code are entitled to certain benefits and
    resources from the state.[7] At this moment, the federal
    government is planning on passing legislation that would
    create a Victim’s Bill of Rights [8]that would increase
    victim services. This Bill would create stronger positive
    rights for victims of crime such as allowing family members
    to claim funds for victims, and a process to review
    complaints against the system. [9] Hence, families dealing
    with abusive or other criminal situations could benefit
    from these resources as they begin the process of
    recovering from an abusive partner.

    Another theoretical benefit of the criminal law system
    (that may also be perceived as a negative in an
    application) is that public policy does not allow for
    discretion in domestic assault cases. Police must lay
    charges if they are called to the scene during a domestic
    dispute.[10].This is to prevent one spouse from
    intimidating another into not pressing charges. Taking away
    the decision to press charges from the victim, is supposed
    to take away the blame and ill will between the accused and
    the victim.

    The Issues In an issue of family violence, Criminal Law can
    also be used as an improper way to gain an advantage in
    family court. [11] For example, a criminal charge, whether
    undeserved or not, is a quick way for the other party to
    gain exclusive possession of the matrimonial home and to
    thwart the other side’s custody claims to children. [12].
    In Shaw v. Shaw, a husband called police to lay charges on
    his wife one month after the incident in question occurred.
    [13] The evidence suggests that he only made the decision
    to charge her after having a discussion with his lawyer.

    Using the Criminal Law in this manner is not a new
    phenomenon, but there are no comprehensive studies or
    statistics on the improper use of the Criminal Law to shed
    light on how prevalent the problem is in family court.[15]
    This is because most domestic violence situations occur in
    the privacy of the home, where there are no witnesses that
    could assist in the prosecuting and fact-finding

    The criminal process contributes to a breakdown in
    communication between parties and increases the timelines
    involved in resolving matters.[17]Criminal charges may take
    at least a year before they are tried. [18] To combat these
    time increases, innocent defendants may plead guilty just
    to further along the process of gaining access to children,
    to the matrimonial home, or to reconcile the family.[19]

    Family Violence, Food for Thought In circumstances where
    there are genuine criminal acts being perpetrated within
    the family setting, there is no dispute that criminal
    charges are necessary. Criminal acts within a family
    setting should not be tolerated. However, Criminal Law
    should not be used to gain a tactical advantage. Lawyers
    should never advise clients to lay charges against the
    other spouse unless there is a legitimate basis for doing
    so.[20] It may even be necessary for public policy to shift
    to allow police some discretion on whether to lay
    charges.[21] However, this must be done in a way to ensure
    violence and intimidation will not be perpetrated against a
    victimized spouse. While police should definitely err on
    the side of caution when they are called to domestic
    situations, a strict zero-tolerance stance may not be
    appropriate.[22] The rights of all parties in the family
    must be considered.

    In the integrated family violence court currently being
    tested out in Toronto, the same judge hears the family law
    issues and the domestic violence criminal charges at the
    same time.[23] This is a definite step towards recognizing
    the uniqueness of Family Law related criminal charges and
    questioning the appropriateness of putting them through the
    usual Criminal Law track. As Family Law and Criminal Law
    intertwine there must be some mechanism in place to manage
    the growing inter-connectedness between Family Law and
    Family Law related Criminal charges.


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  • FAMILY VIOLENCE, 6/12/19, by Anita Guyadin, J.D. .

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