Re: lived in US 9years and wanting to get citizenship
Posted by It's true! on 2/16/09
You need to obtain permanent residence in the USA (ie. Obtain a "green card").
Then, after becoming a permanent resident for five years, you can apply for
citizenship (as a side note, if you are married to a US citizen, you need only be
a permanent resident for three years before applying).
Good luck!
On 2/16/09, dan wrote:
> came to US in 2000 as E-2 visa. my father has a business in
> the states. since i turned 21 i changed my status to student
> visa because of my age. i've been living here for 9years
> legally. i went to middle school, high school here and going
> to college here now. i was wondering how can i become a
> citizen? thank you!