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    Post: Illegal Minor Trying To Acquire Green Card/Citizenship

    Posted by Jason on 10/29/11

    I have a friend who is 16 years old and currently living
    with her family here in the United States. Her parents are
    permanent residents (not sure if they've become naturalized
    or not) and have three other children born as U.S. citizens.
    At birth, my friend was left in her home country of El
    Salvador by her parents due to family and financial issues.
    She lived there with her abusive grandparents for 10 years
    until her parents afforded enough money to hire a coyote to
    bring her over here illegally.

    At this point in her life, she is dreading what may happen
    to her if she is found out and deported back to El Salvador.
    She desperately wants to stay in America and become a legal
    citizen. I've done a bit of research and have learned that
    if one's parents are naturalized, they can sponsor their
    alien child to become naturalized as well, but I've only
    read this in concern to those children with some form of a
    green card already and who haven't illegally entered the
    United States.
    I was hoping someone would be able to tell me what possible
    routes she can follow in this situation. Do take into
    consideration the circumstances of her wanting to marry a
    U.S. citizen (as she is currently in a sturdy, loving
    relationship), the burden and fear she has of having to go
    back to her home country for a long duration, and the
    want/need of herself and family maintaining their bond here
    supporting each other.

    Any help on this matter is greatly appreciated (legal loop
    holes and unconventional ideas are welcome). Thank you so
    very much.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Illegal Minor Trying To Acquire Green Card/Citizenship, 10/29/11, by Jason.

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