Re: H1-B VISA and also Independent Contractor work
Posted by Clara Ximenez on 5/04/07
To anybody that can help:
I have a quesion regarding my H1-B Visa. From this duscussion I understood I'm only allowed to
work for the company that sponsored me. My question is: do I have to be in the payroll of my
sponsoring company or can I be paid as an independent contractor?
Here's my situation and why I asked. I got hired by a production company to be the Junior Producer
of an upcomming TV show. I got my H1-B Visa approved, went back home and got it stamped and
then came back to find out show got pushed back. To this day I don't know when or if it will happen.
Therefore I'm already looking for another employer to transfer my Visa. However, I understand while
I'm looking for other job offers, I have to be in the Production Company's payroll to remain in Status.
As you know, it is extremely expensive to have an employee in payroll (specially since production
company is not getting any income due to the show being pushed back). My lawyer says I need to
have a record that I'm getting paid by the company. However, can I be paid as an Independent
Contractor so that company does not have to have this expenses?
I would really appreciate some help!
Thank you,