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    Re: Marrying An Illegal Alien

    Posted by Chip on 2/07/08

    On 02/06/08, Chip wrote:
    For more online legal advice go to and ask
    your question of an attorney in your state. Good luck with your
    immigration matter.

    On 10/30/07, Steve wrote:
    > On 10/19/07, Law office of Patrick Waters 210-524-7778 wrote:
    >> On 7/04/07, Ray wrote:
    >>> On 7/03/07, Leti wrote:
    >>>> My daughter has recently moved to Texas to be with her
    >>>> boyfriend. He is here illegally from Mexico. They want
    >>>> to get married but have no idea what the law says
    >>>> regarding this. How do they get married? Stupid question
    >>>> I know but can they just go down to city hall and get
    >>>> married? Please help!
    >>> It depends on how he entered the country. If he entered the
    >>> country without a visa i.e. snuck across the border he will
    >>> probably not be able to adjust his status and eventually
    >>> become legal. If he entered on a visa and overstayed the
    >>> time permitted on the visa he has a chance. You need to go
    >>> to an immigration attorney to figure out what can be done. I
    >>> would get advice from an immigration attorney before going to
    >>> get married. Be wary of notarios who are not licensed to
    >>> give legal advice but have no problem dispencing it and
    >>> charging you money for it.
    > Tell your daughter to run for the hills and stay away from that
    > trouble. For an American citizen to marry an illegal is asking
    > for trouble. Let's say they get married and then get divorced
    > and he files for state aid, she will then be responsible for
    > paying the monies he receives since she basically said that she
    > will take care of him financially.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Marrying An Illegal Alien, 7/03/07, by Leti.
  • Re: Marrying An Illegal Alien, 7/04/07, by Ray.
  • Re: Marrying An Illegal Alien, 10/19/07, by Law office of Patrick Waters 210-524-7778.
  • Re: Marrying An Illegal Alien, 10/30/07, by Steve.
  • Re: Marrying An Illegal Alien, 2/07/08, by Chip.

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