Re: felony effent on becomming citizenship
Posted by Ozarks Lawyer on 10/16/07
If you want detail, open the phone book, make an appointment and pay the consultation fee. On 10/16/07, musa wrote: > I have question about becoming U.S citizenship, if I have > been charge of conspiracy crime 183 b charge felony and I > am willing to become us citizen...will this felony effect > on me, becoming citizen. Or I cannot become citizen > ever....or what are consequences will effect on my US > citizenship please tell me in detail. Thank you.....
Posts on this thread, including this one
- felony effent on becomming citizenship, 10/16/07, by musa.
- Re: felony effent on becomming citizenship, 10/16/07, by Ozarks Lawyer.
- Re: felony effent on becomming citizenship, 10/11/08, by day.