Posted by Fanua SP on 3/21/08
Hi Baitran, Please consult or retain a immigration Attorney to handle your case. Thanks On 3/08/08, BAITRAN wrote: > Hello my name is BAITRAN , Im latino marriege with a us > citizen.I marriege about 2.5 years.And we already live > together all total 4 years.when we were dating nobody > tolld nothing.But after a while we decide to get > marriege.My wifes family is involved with politics,and > most of the family work for a company that works for the > high level of the americam gov.After the aplication the > family never get in contact with her and this is happens > for almost 4 years.Now came the polemic.My wife is older > then me 26 years.after we file for the immigration they > sent my work authorization and ss.But we received a letter > from the family tell us that they will goin to use their > influence to mess up my greencard at immigration.The > immigration first call us for interview and 30 days later > cancel.After one year we call the immigration and they > call us for interview.The interviw was pleasant,separeted; > the diference of age.A superviser who perform the > interview,and at the and he said he trust in all marriege, > but was not up to him decide about the green card.Three > days later he sent a letter asking for our income tax.we > sent.They renew my emply athorization 2 times already, but > never sent the green card even that wealready showed > letter from the neighbor,100 old pictures .well we toll > them the reality about our lives.Is a unusual marriege,I > know but she works and I work and pay the taxes.When we > marrige she has a smal house on the morgage and his son in > law envolved with politics tolld us if she don't put the > house in his name , he will mess us up with > immigration.My wife look for a councelor and he said > morgage house she cant sign for anyone , but can put in > her will.She toll de him and make the will and put him > like the head to take the houseif she die.But he don't > accept and said I never will get the green card ,and we > sure him and some of the family sent a letter for > immigration.We spent already the money we have with a > lawer and he said he has try everthing,and is up to > immigration .We dont know what to do , we can travel, to > my wfe know my country and family.We fell powerless.What > we can do?I saw this situation only in my country.If you > work for the gov or involved with politics you can do > anything with anyone.We need help.What I tell you is what > the family toll de us Im not jugding the immigration.But > my concern is ,is what realy happens and we don't know > because we are the week part.I appreciate your help > Thanks.BAITRAN
Posts on this thread, including this one
- OVER POWER, 3/08/08, by BAITRAN.
- Re: OVER POWER, 3/21/08, by Fanua SP.