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    Re: How can I get him back?

    Posted by Frankie on 7/17/08

    Have you ever seen the movie "Green Card" - it depicts a
    similar situation? Nevertheless, I have not researched the
    federal statute recently, but I believe citizenship acquired
    via marriage requires a minimum number of years married.

    On 7/16/08, nic wrote:
    > My boyfriend was deported recently because his green card
    > expired. He is the only man for me. I don't know if he
    > will be allowed back, so if I marry him will he be able to
    > come back to the US? or is this completely out of my hands?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • How can I get him back?, 7/16/08, by nic.
  • Re: How can I get him back?, 7/17/08, by Frankie.
  • Re: How can I get him back?, 1/19/09, by Anonymous.

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