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    Post: RE: USCIS Interpretation of IIRIRA to 245(i)

    Posted by David on 7/19/08

    How does USCIS view entry(ies) without inspection prior to
    IIRIRA effective date of April 1, 1997. In my example,
    alien is a native and citizen of Mexico. Alien entered
    without inspection at age 5 in 1991, returned to Mexico in
    1996. Re-entered without inspection March 2000 at age 14.
    Has been in the US since. Alien is a 245(i) qualified
    grandfathered beneficiary through filing of an I-130 on
    April 23, 2001 by alien’s US born brother. Alien would like
    to adjust now through naturalized US citizen spouse under
    grandfathered provision of 245(i). Alien does not have any
    order of deportation prior or current. Both entries were

    Is it correct to determine that in light of Raul RODARTE-
    Roman, 23 I&N Dec. 905 (BIA 2006) (ID 3531) in
    which “pursuant to sections 301(b)(3) and 309(a) of the
    Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
    of 1996, Division C of Pub. L. No. 104-208, 110 Stat. 3009-
    546, 3009-578, 309-625, no period of an alien’s presence in
    the United States prior to April 1, 1997, may be
    considered “unlawful presence” for purpose of determining
    an alien’s inadmissibility under section 212(a)(9)(B)”. The
    alien’s first entry in 1991 and departure in 1996 was prior
    to IIRIRA effective date of April 1, 1997, thus waived or
    not looked at for purpose of 245(i) adjustment?.

    Understandably, alien’s re-entry post IIRIRA on March 2000
    is subject to 3/10 year ban if alien departs after being
    unlawfully present for more than 1 year, however, alien is
    protected as a 245(i) beneficiary since alien has been
    present since March 2000. Is there also additional
    protection due the fact that alien was a minor on both
    entries? How is first entry/departure even explained to
    USCIS during application process so as not to have adverse
    actions but be truthful?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • RE: USCIS Interpretation of IIRIRA to 245(i), 7/19/08, by David.

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