Re: Sexual battery charged?
Posted by crazy on 7/24/08
On 7/24/08, Crazy wrote: > i am a student with no authorization to work. But i used to > work and while i was in work one day i touched a breast of > lady which i feel guilty myself now. So i have a court > date. do they only discuss on that incident or they might > pull my leg that why i work being student. if they fined > me , sentence they go for process of deportation or > not? Pls any body help me. soory to mention that they have charged me for sexual battery class 1 misdemeneor but it was just touching her breast and all had happened in 3-4 seconds.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Sexual battery charged?, 7/24/08, by Crazy.
- Re: Sexual battery charged?, 7/24/08, by crazy.