Post: considering law school...

Posted by Jeffrey DeClaro,, on 3/09/02
hello there, I recently graduated with my bachelors in mechanical engineering in August 2000 and upon my graduation I have taken a full-time position with a patent searching/drafting company. I am registering for the October 2002 Patent Bar examination and have been diligently preparing for it. My question is I'm highly considering going back to school to get a degree in the fall term of 2003. Stetson Law School is the college of choice and offers a night-time program as well. Just some advice from anyone on this board... I know being a Patent Attorney can be very rewarding... My question is that I plan on moving back up north, preferably the Michigan area, upon graduating from law school. What is the market like in the northern region for a Patent Attorney? preferably Michigan... Or should I reconsider another location of choice? Thanks for you time and thoughts.... Jeffrey
Posts on this thread, including this one
- considering law school..., 3/09/02, by Jeffrey DeClaro.