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    Re: Copywright infringement...needing help/advice

    Posted by D,, on 7/24/02

    On 5/03/02, Jason wrote:
    I am not an attorney.
    1. I have taken courses on copyright law and copyrighted
    writings & other things myself.
    2. The problem with the internet is yes, as soon as u write
    something in the USA is is "copyrighted".
    3. However, official copyright has to be done thru U.S.
    Copyright office.
    4. If u do not have that official US Copyright, I don't think
    an attorney will take your case. That is what 2 copyright
    attorneys said in their courses.
    5. U do not have money to pursue the case.
    6. It is going to be hard to track down the name, address,
    person, etc. behind the web page(s) that used your material.
    7. "Let the poster beware" should be a warning to all who
    post material to their web site.
    8. Easy to say things are copyrighted, yes your hard work,
    etc. but hard to enforce the law.
    9. Problem w/ professional writers w/ same problem, even
    though they signed contracts - they're suing and not much
    chance to collect.
    10. Person w/ web site probably in same financial boat as u
    so even if you found them (unlikely), sued them (unlikely to
    find attorney to take it on contingency - they probably want
    money up front to take the case - a few thousand dollars if
    they will take the case at all), and won in court (how many
    years down the line), and could collect? How much money could
    you collect from them assuming u could find their assets
    (more money to detectives, etc.)
    11. Sorry if I sound so pessimistic about this but that's the
    nature of the web. U put material out there, u can lose it.
    12. Next time, find a way to charge if people download your
    material. There are ways to do this but I have not researched
    how to do it yet.
    Best wishes, D

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Copywright infringement...needing help/advice, 5/03/02, by Jason.
  • Re: Copywright infringement...needing help/advice, 7/24/02, by D.
  • Re: Copywright infringement...needing help/advice, 7/24/02, by D.

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