Post: exemployer verbally states theyll sue if i make product
Posted by Isaac,, on 7/13/02
Hi, I worked for a company that makes a consumable porduct and has a 90+% lock on market, They bought there competitor out and have a monopoly on the entire technology. I as an ex employee who never signed a nondiscolsure want to start a business producing this consumable product. They have verbally told me that they can sue me even though I have never signed a non competition agreement or any sort of nondiscolsure. The company is now about a 80-100 million $ a year business and sues who ever want to compete against them. But for me I see that only $250,000 investment and some good legall backing could only lead to a 15-25 million dollar a year is revenue very easy. The customers have no where else to buy the product. The product I believe cant or really isnt patented. pleas help in telling me whether or not the former employer has the grounds to sue me if I want to start something like this. Thanks looking for patent/technology lawyer in pitt, PA willing to look into this for me.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- exemployer verbally states theyll sue if i make product, 7/13/02, by Isaac.