Post: intellectual property/paralegal advice
Posted by Fay Greenfield, fgreenfield@å, on 12/01/02
Anyone out there specialize in intellectual property?
Am planning to return to paralegal work after ten year
hiatus (was a litigation paralegal in NYC about 10 years
ago) and wonder what the market is like for intellectual
property paralegals? Particularly in NYC and Florida.
I'm grateful for any wisdom/advice you might be able to
offer, i.e.:
how you got started with IP &/or what kind of
education/experience I might need,
what salaries look like of course!
what you think of the field,
any other websites and/or resources I might check out.
There's an IP course that starts next week here in NYC
at Baruch College that am going to enroll in, but
meanwhile want to learn as much re jobs in this
specialty as can.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- intellectual property/paralegal advice, 12/01/02, by Fay Greenfield.