Re: Becoming a Patent Agent
Posted by Lee,, on 5/06/03
On 4/15/03, Huey Dixon wrote:
> I am planning to become a patent agent...eventually a
> patent attorney. I currently have a BS in Electrical
> Engineering and 15 years of hardware and software design
> and development experience. I am planning to take the
> October 15th exam (as described by USPTO), but I do not
> know what I need to study to prepare for the exam. USPTO
> tells me that there are private organizations that offer
> prep classes for the test, but they won't tell me who they
> are. Do you have any idea? Are there prep manuals out
> there? Or should I just study 37 CFR and MPEP?
> --Huey
I have a web page, linked in this message, which describes
preparing, taking, and passing the patent bar exam.
The patent bar exam courses which I recommend and that are the
most highly respected in the patent world are Kayton and PLI.
My impression from talking with a lot of people over the
years in this field is that Kayton is more respected than PLI.
Still, both are really solid questions. You can get a good
deal on this on EBay, if you don't want to dish out the $2K
for the full course. (There are many cheaper alternatives,
but IMO, you don't want to risk not passing and go through the
experience of taking the patent bar.)
You will be at a distinct advantage if you take and pass the
patent bar before enrolling in law school. You will most
likely land a job during your 1L summer, esp. in light of a
patent agent license.
In terms of the time investment, the amount of studying one
does really varies. I spent 3.5 weeks (but 12 to 14 hour
days). One guy sent me an e-mail saying that he studied 2
weeks, just going over the MPEP and old exams. There are also
people that study for a much longer period of time, while
working or going to law school, etc.
At any rate, if you have any questions regarding the patent
bar exam, law school, or anything similar, feel free to e-mail me.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Becoming a Patent Agent, 4/15/03, by Huey Dixon.
- Re: Becoming a Patent Agent, 4/16/03, by Etwe Yedepaa.
- Re: Becoming a Patent Agent, 4/27/03, by HS.
- Re: Becoming a Patent Agent, 5/06/03, by Lee.
- Re: Becoming a Patent Agent, 6/22/03, by Alun Palmer.