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    Post: I want to be imancipated

    Posted by Katie Tarvainen,, on 9/14/03

    My name is Katie and im 15 years old. My parents have
    fought ever since I had been born, but they won't get a
    divorce. My mom has called the cops on me many times, for
    being out when i wasn't supposed to be. I would really
    like to be imancipated because I know i can support myself
    in all the ways needed. I have a job, and I work as many
    hours a week that I can. My mom used to be in a mental
    institution. She lied on her evaluation so she could get
    out. She verbally abuses me and I try not to let it get to
    me, but she treats me like im 4 years old and can't cross
    the road without holding onto someone's hand. I've been
    taking care of myself emotionally since I was little. My
    mom hasn't care, and my dad doesn't know how to reach me.
    I trust my dad, because we have an equal level of respect
    for each other. I would already have a place to live and I
    would still be in school. I don't want to end up like my
    mom, because everyone is literally afraid of her. I don't
    want that happening to me. She gets mood swings over
    little things, like laughing when something is funny.
    Lately i have been getting mood swings, but not too often.
    I turn 16 at the beginning of january, and I'm going to
    try to get imancipated then. I live in Michigan, and i
    know a few people who got imancipated because of the same
    reasoning. I'm just wondering if it would be possible for
    me to be imancipated too. Please respond. ~Katie

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • I want to be imancipated, 9/14/03, by Katie Tarvainen.
  • Re: Emancipation, 9/14/03, by sharwinston.

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