Post: For all you web developers

Posted by Doug on 11/12/03
In the event of non-payment of web development - you CAN
remove EVERYTHING that YOU have uploaded to the server
that is YOUR creation - html files, scripts, images, code,
etc. This is YOUR IP until paid for, unless you have some
freaky terms worked out or you choose to maintain
copyright after payment. I was in this instance, and
theft, loss of business and defamation were accusations (I
redirected the site to a page on my site that said "Oops,
I didn't pay the web guy!" That's fact, defamation has to
be non-factual statements meant to defame another. Nice
try, Gotta give 'em credit for trying. The theft, what did
I steal? My work? Didn't stand a chance. Loss of business
was also ruled out since a company cannot consider a web
site a business tool if it's not THIERS!
And if they host third party and have the files restored
from archives, that is theft on THEIR part. Using your IP
that has not been paid for.
So developers, got problems, rank 'em down.
Companies reading this - pay your bills - a fully paid web
site is a fully functioning web site for all to see. It
benefits everyone involved.
Good Luck!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- For all you web developers, 11/12/03, by Doug.