Post: Computer Science or Software Patent Attorney???
Posted by Tony,, on 11/17/03
Hello, Does anyone out there know what the career outlook or what the market is like for a Software/Computer Patent Attorney? I'm currently a college grad with a Bachelors in Computer Science and have been working for over a year now as a system analyst programmer. After talking with a patent lawyer (chemistry), I became interested in patent law. I read that software patents is a rather new area. Hopefully, there's some demand for and room for growth in this niche. Currently, I'm preparing for the LSAT as well as the looking into taking the Patent Bar Exam. Does anyone have any advice or thoughts in this area? or recommend a course of action Much thanks and appreciation for your wisdom and insight, Tony
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Computer Science or Software Patent Attorney???, 11/17/03, by Tony.
- Re: Computer Science or Software Patent Attorney???, 11/19/03, by kb.
- Re: Computer Science or Software Patent Attorney???, 11/19/03, by Tony.
- Re: Computer Science or Software Patent Attorney???, 11/21/03, by George.
- Re: Computer Science or Software Patent Attorney???, 11/26/03, by Joane.
- Re: Computer Science or Software Patent Attorney???, 12/06/03, by lmnpdq.