Post: Help! 'low' undergrad grades
Posted by Jeff on 12/17/03
I just have one question. I just got my transcripts back from my undergrad university (BS in Physics '89), and they are on the low side (i.e. C+ level overall). However, since then I've gotten a couple MS degrees in Physics/EE (with better GPAs). So my question is, assuming I do well on the entrance there still some hope I'll be able to gain admission to a good Law program? Thanks.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Help! 'low' undergrad grades, 12/17/03, by Jeff.
- Re: Help! 'low' undergrad grades, 12/17/03, by No..
- Re: Help! 'low' undergrad grades, 12/18/03, by Jeff.
- Re: Help! 'low' undergrad grades, 12/19/03, by kb.
- Re: Help! 'low' undergrad grades, 5/20/04, by George.
- Re: Help! 'low' undergrad grades, 6/09/04, by Jeff.
- Re: Help! 'low' undergrad grades, 6/20/04, by cc.