Re: Frustration
Posted by JoinTheCrowd on 1/01/04
The problem with legal careers is that the market is FLOODED
with lawyers. In engineering and health care, you can get a
good job with average grades from any accredited school
because there are more jobs than applicants. Unfortunately,
legal jobs require graduating in the top 10% of the class
from a top school in order to get a meaningful job because
the market is so overcrowded. I also have a BEE/MSEE from a
top engineering school and 20 years engineering experience.
However, I still cannot break into the patent law field even
after finishing law school and becoming a registered patent
attorney. Competition is very stiff because there are very
few jobs and lots of unemployed lawyers.
Check with your career placement office for summer jobs.
Also, the most important advice I can give you is too be
sure to graduate in the top 10% of your class and do law
review. Law is very credential driven. What you do in law
school will determine your future as a lawyer.
Keep in mind that new law graduates with stellular
credentials can start at $120k. However, for every guy at
$120k there are about 8 guys at only $50k. The bottom line
is that you need top credentials to make law school pay off.
Otherwise you can earn more money in engineering.
Good luck!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Frustration, 12/30/03, by nobody.
- Re: Frustration, 1/01/04, by JoinTheCrowd.