Post: Question about Copyrighting Art
Posted by Samfish,, on 1/18/04
Hello. I'm an active member of the interner webcomic
community, and have been wondering about something for
some time now.
There is a website that does "pixel art" (or home made
video game characters). Perhaps some of you know that a
very popular type of comic on the web is a sprite comic, a
comic that uses images of videogame characters. There are
a LOT of them on the web, because of thier ease to make.
Well, a certian pixel art comic has been having the
problem of having it's art copied and at times modified,
and then used in a brand new comic that the original
author has not sanctioned.
The great debate in the webcomic community, though, is
whether or not the pixel art author has the right to
demand that these 'pirate comics' (for lack of a better
term) be shut down, or whether or not he has the right to
tell someone to stop using his modified art, even if they
aren't making any money off of it.
So I guess to stream line the question: Does the pixel art
author have the right and authority to demand that people
stop using his modified or unmodified art?
Thanks for you time!
The source of the problem
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Question about Copyrighting Art, 1/18/04, by Samfish.