Re: Outsourcing patents to India
Posted by baaba on 4/23/04
On 4/23/04, amol wrote: > This is very true that technology and scientific > research is for a decade being dominated by the western > knowledge workers the time when poor asians didn't had a bit > to to fire their engines James Watt fired his stream engines > and jet its jet combustion engine. The time has changed now > Indian at this point of time has highest no. of technical and > engineering minds in the world , i really will not be > surprised if time will come when India will document the > complete technological jargons and leading researches for the > world so you can find the scientific Guttengurg is coming up > here, which will feed the patent offices around the world. > But at the same moment you can imagine the downtrodden > condition of Indian research as best of best minds in India > will be working like inttelectual labours for the western > scientist , this contry will be very soon having mirids of > technical papers but unfortunately without technology to > sell.And hence what the international regularatory affairs > and high end tech. generator are concerned india will only > have papers to sell. the economy of india in the future will > be dependant on the papers and ink. > Yeah, I guess as soon as they learn how to communicate, we can start to imagine the time when "India will document the complete technological jargons and leading researches for the world so you can find the scientific Guttengurg is coming up here, which will feed the patent offices around the world." Whatever that means. Maybe the people of India have some technical know-how (are their schools better than American engineering schools, such as MIT, Goergia Tech, Stanford, etc.? - I doubt it), but I still think American companies want their patent attorneys to speak/write English and communicate effectively. Correct me if I'm wrong on this one. Outsourcing will save companies money, but will it get them quality patents that will stand up to litigation and prevent others from infringing? I think the bigger companies will outsource more, because they are concerned with maintaining and showing a big patent portfolio rather than having strong individual patents, but the smart small to mid-size companies will stay home. For at least this reason, American patent attorneys should not worry too much about the "outsourcing dilemma".
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Outsourcing patents to India, 4/01/04, by RSU.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 4/01/04, by rsu.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 4/01/04, by Kibitzer.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 4/02/04, by bemaha.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 4/02/04, by Kibitzer.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 4/02/04, by bemaha.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 4/02/04, by Kibitzer.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 4/02/04, by rsu.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 4/06/04, by Barbara Rempel.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 4/06/04, by Barbara Rempel.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 4/08/04, by Phil.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 4/23/04, by amol.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 4/23/04, by baaba.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 5/19/04, by Shalom.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 5/19/04, by Shalom Wertsberger.
- Re: Outsourcing patents to India, 5/22/04, by Kibitzer.