circ1.html#hlc>In general, you cannot use copyrighted material unless your use falls
under the "fair use" exception. On the other hand, if you create an
original work (film or still photo) that is fixed in a tangible form of
expression, then you are the author. Notice the work must be
original. A photo of another photo originally created by someone
else is not original. Of course, if you are going to shoot an event, you
need to check with the host of the event to see if filming is prohibited.
Best to talk to a copyright or entertainment lawyer before you
On 5/13/04, David wrote:
> I am looking to use some old video footage for a film
> project. DOes the term of the copywright for such footage
> owned by a company expire? If so, after how long?
> Can I use inpendently shot footage from an event, or is
> that an illegal use of image owned by an organization (ie
> How about still photos?
Posts on this thread, including this one
video footage copywright?, 5/13/04, by David.
Re: video footage copywright?, 6/09/04, by IP.