Post: Infringement ???
Posted by Bob B on 3/25/05
I legaly bought a few item "Logo"'d item at a store, and put them on Ebay for resale. There were many other of the same items alos being offered on Ebay at the same time by other sellers. After 3 day of being on the auction Ebay "pulled them off" and sent me a letter that I was "Infringing" on the Owners rights by selling the items. They also sent letters to the bidders "stating", I was selling counterfeit items, or copyrighted items illegaly, while at the same time allowing the exact same items to be sold by other people on their site. They did this because the copyright owner wrote to them and told them they were counterfeit or an infringement. I check some copyright laws, and found out that I could sell the items leagaly as long as they were purchased from a licensed retailer, which I did. After a week of email correspondence to the copyright holder and Ebay I was allowed to re-list them and sell them. Is this an "infringement on my rights as well as defamation of my good name, being that Ebay sent the letters not only to me but to others who were bidding on my items? Also who would be responsible Ebay or the copyright owner for claimng the were counterfeit or illeagle
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Infringement ???, 3/25/05, by Bob B.
- Re: Infringement ???, 3/31/05, by PROTUS TANIFORM.