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    Post: RIM pays NTP: Legal Implications

    Posted by Heidi Bleau on 5/02/05

    I work in marketing at UTEK-EKMS. We are a boutique IP
    management consulting firm. I certainly understand
    the "business" of IP, but please pardon my lack of
    knowledge in IP law.

    The recent decision by RIM to pay NTP $450 million, only to
    have NTP's patents later invalidated, really disturbs me.
    Are they still responsible to abide by the licensing
    agreement or does the agreement become null and void based
    on the decision to invalidate the NTP patents? Is there
    any kind of protection under existing IP laws for RIM?

    Is it "legal" to build clauses in a licensing agreement
    that state if any patent is found to be invalid at some
    point in the future, then the licensee is due back fees
    and/or no longer responsible for paying additional

    What are/will be the legal implications of all this?

    I look forward to hearing from people who can help me
    answer some of these questions. I find this case

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • RIM pays NTP: Legal Implications, 5/02/05, by Heidi Bleau.

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