Post: DMCA Notice
Posted by Jim B on 9/03/06
I should have protected myself in full. Although I'm really not sure yet if I'm the one who infringed. I see when I do a sear for my site a DMCA notice that looks like it's in a process. I'm worried.I thought the name was original and I should have copy writed it. It's a Scientific name. It's Sunday and Monday is a Holiday so I cannot do anything until Tuesday. Can someone give me an idea if I have any right if I registered a domain name before someone decided to copyright my idea. I know I will search the USPO and at least apply for a copyright now but I imagine it's too late. I've see a similar problem with someone take a scientist idea and copyright his work and domain name. I read some of the information about Network solutions Panel and other boards. Basically if I had the domain name first can some copyright the word I derived and make me loose the name. I read they have to prove the information of mine was a violation. I also read there are time constrants in the processing of such claims. Any Lawyers out there had a case like this. I'm not saying I'm the originator yet of the name until I see the date of the copyright. What are my rights?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- DMCA Notice, 9/03/06, by Jim B.