Post: Property Line Dispute

Posted by Leslie on 4/30/08
Been living in our home for 15 years (which was built in 1962). When we purchased the home, the survey showed an east side lot line. the house east of us was now purchased, demolished, and now a house is being constructed. When the developer bought the house, their initital survey agreed with our survey (as far as the lot line). Now he went and had a second survey done which shows lot lines that are different from the one that he originally had, and from the one that we originally had. He now is taking 7 feet of what we believe to be our property. Is there a law or statute regarding property lines and years without any dispute? The village will have nothing to do with this, they say, it's one surveyors plot vs. another. Any help is appreciated!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Property Line Dispute, 4/30/08, by Leslie.