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    Post: Why should I have to pay other tenants bill?

    Posted by turquoisegal on 11/02/05

    Ok here it goes. Last February we rented an apartment out
    in the country its a townhouse us and our neighbors.Well we
    have a well pump.Well we had got our electric bill and
    noticed it was rather high well needless to say we fell
    behind and got our electric shut off only to find out we
    were paying for the water for the neighbors to use also.The
    landlord never told us we had to pay for the other
    tenants.In fact he told us it was our responsibility to
    keep the power on so they could have water.Let alone these
    neighbors are spiteful people they our noisy and when you
    call the police on them they yell threats to keep the water
    running.The pump has run dry twice now and they also had a
    rather huge garden this past summer.The landlord said the
    tenant should not be using the water for the garden well
    summers done and so is the damamage on our electric bill.Im
    tired of paying for someone else.The excuse I get from the
    landlord is the other tenants pay for the light in the
    driveway which I might add they park in my space and Im
    parked in the dark.This well pump is a 220 line and you
    should see our meter.Our elecric bill is 200. a month.They
    have an older daughter who comes to take showers and wash
    her clothes too.What can I do legally?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Why should I have to pay other tenants bill?, 11/02/05, by turquoisegal.
  • Re: Why should I have to pay other tenants bill?, 12/12/05, by Star.

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