Re: Charges for cleaning carpet, painting apt
Posted by Broker on 3/06/06
A carpet needs to be steam cleaned at least twice a year
After living there for so many years, the Landlord or Management
were suppose to install a new carpet on or before 5 years, if
you were paying your rent on time
Now as for the fixtures that you installed did you have
permission from the owner/landlord? if you did than it was o.k.,
but if you didn't than is against the Law, because is their
property and not yours, anything you installed that
was 'movable' is consider personal property and you can take
with you, anything that you installed that was not 'movable' you
have to leave there...this is the Law
*What legal
recourse do I have* all, # 1 the guts of the owner to send you
an invoice for $400 for cleaning the carpet, after 10 years of
someone living there normal tear and wear only means 'time to
install a new carpet' what a cheap owner, how can he even plan
to rent to another person with same old carpet? Sometimes
landlords owners want to see how much they can get out with
If I was you I will take him to court if you have the time and
WIN..just tell the Judge about all the things you did for the
apartment and how much you took care of it and never expected
anything in return and that you don't think is fair that the
landlord is so greedy as to want to charge you for something he
has to pay before he rents out the place again (to another
I am speaking from experience with tenants and landlords
Best of luck
On 3/06/06, Laura wrote:
> On 3/06/06, M'sta Mikey wrote:
>> On 3/06/06, Laura Hernandez wrote:
>>> Lived in an apt for 10+ yrs, recently bought a house and
>>> moved out..during apt rental time, I installed ceiling fans
>>> in all both bedrooms and outside patio, installed
>>> sunscreens on windows, installed electronic thermostat. I
>>> never charged the apt owner for any of these services.
>>> Since moving out, they have sent me an invoice for 400.00
>>> for cleaning the carpet and minor repairs. What legal
>>> recourse do I have
>> Read your lease! If it states that tenant is responsible for
>> carpet cleaning and minor repairs (which most do), then
>> you're responsible for the charges. If you don't pay, they
>> can deduct from your security deposit or sue you.
>> Also, If the landlord did not authorize you to install the
>> items above and/or agreed to pay you for those items, it's a
>> freebee.
> Sounds like I should have had them replace the carpet and
> the place before I left - after 10 yrs it was old and needed
> be replaced just from normal wear and tear..thanks..
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Charges for cleaning carpet, painting apt, 3/06/06, by Laura Hernandez.
- Re: Charges for cleaning carpet, painting apt, 3/06/06, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: Charges for cleaning carpet, painting apt, 3/06/06, by Laura .
- Re: Charges for cleaning carpet, painting apt, 3/06/06, by Broker.